Happy HALLOWEEKEND, everybody!!!! Today’s post is short & sweet.. all about the joy of having older girls to look up to in life!!
As I’ve gone through this semester as a freshman in college, I’ve realized that I never knew how much I needed someone to look up to that is just one step ahead of me in life. Lucky me, the we have such a good God that knows what we need before we do! Through my sorority, church, and classes, He has provided so many incredible women that I am honored to strive to emulate.

Sweet Elle knows my LOVE for cutie matching PJs!!!! :))))

This season of life is tricky.. it’s proving to be harder than I thought it would be to stay on this “straight and narrow” path when everyone around me seems to be living it up in a lifestyle that just doesn’t personally fulfill my heart! (Absolutely no judgement here… just how I choose to live!) When I feel like I’m stumbling through the dark, not knowing if it’s possible to be who I truly want to be, the brightest lights have been girls who have gone through it before me. Girls who are seeking Jesus with their whole heart, staying true to who they are called to be, lifting each other up, and enjoying life to the fullest. Girls who encourage me to stay kind and true, to prioritize my education, and show me what it means to be generous.

When deciding to join a sorority, one of the biggest aspects of the experience that I craved was having a “big sister!” As the big sister of my family, I have always wished to have that sort of role model- someone who has gone through the scary stuff before me and made it out alive! This is where sweet Elle comes in.. I loved her before we were Thetas together, and I know she is someone I will love forever! She is bright, loyal, fun, and is loving Christ in a culture that rejects Him. She doesn’t try to be my role model, she just wants to be my friend- which is exactly why I adore her so much.

I encourage you all to seek wisdom, guidance, and mentorship in older girls that have hearts for Jesus and His people. Seeing that someone else can do it, inspires me that I can do it, too! Now, I’m excited to be the same role model for the younger girls that the Lord brings into my life.

Reminder to thank the people that fill your cup, and do your best to fill their cup too :)))

