Well hey there, party people! Midterm season can be INTENSE, full of late night study sessions, excessive homework, homesickness, and burnout. The newness of college has worn off, teachers aren’t treating you like freshmen anymore, and everything- all of the sudden- feels a whole lot more intense than it was it September. While I can’t pass your classes for you or grind out the late nights in the library, I can share some of my own personal tips & tricks to make the mid-semester slump a little brighter and lighter!

  • Set boundaries!! Physical, mental, & emotional boundaries help you give your all to each facet of life, from your relationships, to grades, to health. A huge way I do this is by getting out of my room to study/do homework! I love the library, local coffee shops, or even a bench outside when it is warm. This allows me to truly relax when I’m in my room, and to clearly define the line between work and play.
  • In this same breath, I also let my dorm room be a place I can breath and enjoy time to myself; keeping my space clean, organized, and decluttered makes it a place I cannot wait to come relax to!
  • GOOD SNACKS ARE KEY! I love apples, bananas, nuts, dark chocolate, dates, or anything else that is good for your brain and body. Keep study in your backpack so you can keep on studying!
  • Also- stay hydrated!! Sometimes when we get in the groove of schoolwork, it is easy to neglect and forget the fact that your body needs nourishment to keep your mind working at tip top speed. Drinking tons of water makes me feel a million times better in every way! Bonus points if your cup is cute!
  • I have to reward myself and set scheduled breaks to keep myself going strong and steady! Some of my favorite “rewards” include a piece of chocolate, a walk around campus, seeing a friend, getting to workout, coffee breaks, or even just scrolling through Pinterest for 10 minutes. Makes all the world of a difference!
  • The Podmoro method has proved to be extremely helpful this semester; I installed an app on my laptop that sets up tasks in 25 minute working-5 minute break periods. This helps me to work diligently and efficiently without burnout.
  • Finding way to enjoy studying helps the most.. through music, good coffee, a friend, or even just remembering the fact that I get to learn and experience this incredible education!

Happy Midterms- you got this!!!

