live joyful. live intentional. live simple.

Tag: joy

18 Things I learned being 18

Well, hey there!! This month, I reached my 19th trip around the sun, and I’m feeling pretty dang blessed to be exactly where I am in life right now. This year has brought upon a whole new chapter of growing up, For the past few years, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the last year of my life in my journal, but this year, I thought I’d share on my lil corner of the internet!

  1. Jesus is the only constant, and He is so perfectly enough.
  2. If I play my cards right, I can keep my hair curled for about 5 days!
  3. Seasons are just that- seasons. Nothing ever stays the same, so enjoy right where God places you.
  4. And if you’re in a winter-ish season, spring always comes quicker than you think!
  5. Food is fuel and ice cream is never a bad idea.
  6. Boys are fun, but not the epitome of life! I’d rather wait on prince charming than kiss some frogs…!
  7. Keep on waiting for true, genuine, and reciprocal friendships… your girls are out there!!!!
  8. Virtue is so so so important; what we think, feel, and even do when no one is watching demonstrates the pureness if our heart. While no one is perfect, it is essential to hold your character to a higher standard than the world.
  9. Everything worthwhile is uphill.
  10. Your family deserves the same respect, effort, and grace that you pour into your friendships.
  11. Lipgloss and an iced coffee can turn any day around!
  12. There will be days that you go to bed wishing you did something, or even everything, differently. We can’t go back and change the past, but we can always do the next right thing.
  13. Everyone around you has a story, and it is always worth it to discover it.
  14. Joy is a choice & goodness is found where you look for it!!!
  15. Comparison, envy, and pride sneak in where there is the greatest opportunity for genuine friendship and community. Don’t let them rule you!
  16. Change is scary, but oh-so worth it.
  17. Life is fun when you make it fun!!!!!
  18. Gratitude is everything; life changes when you view it as a blessing.

Just a few thoughts about this sweet chapter that came to a close. I got to celebrate my birthday with sweet friends and my incredibly perfect family. My heart is so full!! 🙂

Remember to count your blessings today!!! Even if that just means getting to wake up this morning.



Rock What the Good Lord Gave Ya ;)

Good morning party people!!! I am coming at you live Tuesday morning, bright and early, with a little bit of inspiration to throw your way.

I have mastered the art of curling my hair since the literal 4th grade. I can do it with my eyes closed, without a mirror, and in 12 min flat. I consider it a talent of mine! The number one compliment I receive is about my hair; I feel like it’s become a bit of a trademark to the whole Sydney Bush look ;)))

What many people don’t know is that I actually have naturally very curly hair! No one in my stick-straight haired family knows where the heck it came from, but it’s definitely there.

exhibit A: goofy library selfie 😉

I remember being in elementary school and feeling so insecure about how big and frizzy my hair was compared to the other girls in my class (no wonder I love Hermione Granger!), I would have my mom help me put it in sponge rollers, braids, buns, ponytails, and anything else that would make it poof down!!

When I got a bit older, I discovered the curling iron and learned how to make my hair look smooth, cute, and polished without any of the frizz!! This became part of my daily routine, something I latched on to to make myself feel more put together. Soon, I noticed that I got more compliments and attention from boys when my hair was “fixed!” Looking back, I see that this is the point in my adolescence that I started to place my identity in my outer appearance, and the way others perceived my outer appearance. Simply curling my hair is in no way a bad thing, but this also led to a fixation with makeup, selfies, and a “me me me” centered mindset that was nothing short of vain.

I also truly believe in stewarding well what the Lord has given us, taking care of our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, and reflecting the beauty of our hearts through our outward appearance. I am a girly girl to the MAX and have always absolutely loved makeup, hair care, and fashion! But where does the line lie between expressing our God-given femininity and pridefully flaunting our looks? What I’m learning is that it all comes down to the source of our identity.

Here’s the difference; when I am placing my identity in the hands of the world, I never feel “good-enough.” I am left feeling drained, desolate, and very down. But when I turn to the Bible and read the consistent truth about who God says I am, the purpose He made me for, and the goodness of His Son, I am filled to the brim with appreciation for the beauty He so specifically and intentionally gave me- just as He did ALL of y’all!

Be encouraged, sweet friends, that our hearts are seen by the Lord, and He calls them beautiful. Not because of our innate goodness, but because of His perfect son, Jesus! All that beauty will shine through when you place your joy, trust, and confidence in God. And the natural curls, freckles, or whatever else you got is just a cherry on top!!!

Post coming SOON about my hair care routine + my deserted-on-a-desert-island hair products and tools!



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