live joyful. live intentional. live simple.

Tag: love

Rock What the Good Lord Gave Ya ;)

Good morning party people!!! I am coming at you live Tuesday morning, bright and early, with a little bit of inspiration to throw your way.

I have mastered the art of curling my hair since the literal 4th grade. I can do it with my eyes closed, without a mirror, and in 12 min flat. I consider it a talent of mine! The number one compliment I receive is about my hair; I feel like it’s become a bit of a trademark to the whole Sydney Bush look ;)))

What many people don’t know is that I actually have naturally very curly hair! No one in my stick-straight haired family knows where the heck it came from, but it’s definitely there.

exhibit A: goofy library selfie 😉

I remember being in elementary school and feeling so insecure about how big and frizzy my hair was compared to the other girls in my class (no wonder I love Hermione Granger!), I would have my mom help me put it in sponge rollers, braids, buns, ponytails, and anything else that would make it poof down!!

When I got a bit older, I discovered the curling iron and learned how to make my hair look smooth, cute, and polished without any of the frizz!! This became part of my daily routine, something I latched on to to make myself feel more put together. Soon, I noticed that I got more compliments and attention from boys when my hair was “fixed!” Looking back, I see that this is the point in my adolescence that I started to place my identity in my outer appearance, and the way others perceived my outer appearance. Simply curling my hair is in no way a bad thing, but this also led to a fixation with makeup, selfies, and a “me me me” centered mindset that was nothing short of vain.

I also truly believe in stewarding well what the Lord has given us, taking care of our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, and reflecting the beauty of our hearts through our outward appearance. I am a girly girl to the MAX and have always absolutely loved makeup, hair care, and fashion! But where does the line lie between expressing our God-given femininity and pridefully flaunting our looks? What I’m learning is that it all comes down to the source of our identity.

Here’s the difference; when I am placing my identity in the hands of the world, I never feel “good-enough.” I am left feeling drained, desolate, and very down. But when I turn to the Bible and read the consistent truth about who God says I am, the purpose He made me for, and the goodness of His Son, I am filled to the brim with appreciation for the beauty He so specifically and intentionally gave me- just as He did ALL of y’all!

Be encouraged, sweet friends, that our hearts are seen by the Lord, and He calls them beautiful. Not because of our innate goodness, but because of His perfect son, Jesus! All that beauty will shine through when you place your joy, trust, and confidence in God. And the natural curls, freckles, or whatever else you got is just a cherry on top!!!

Post coming SOON about my hair care routine + my deserted-on-a-desert-island hair products and tools!




I had a totally different blog post planned for today (how I eat healthy & balanced in college coming soon!🥳) but the Lord has just put something else entirely on my heart!

Kindness seems like the most basic of human qualities, but I’m learning that is actually the most powerful. It sometimes feels like it’s dwindling in this world, and sometimes like it’s overflowing. Today, for me, it feels overflowing, and I’m inspired to keep it going!

The beauty of kindness is that it is a ripple effect. One act of kindness inspires another, and so on and so on, until the world is just a bit brighter and our friendships are a bit sweeter!

I think sometimes there is a stigma around kindness; I’ve been called a suck-up for doing something sweet… it was pretty discouraging. There are some people who view generosity of heart with a self-seeking perspective, and honestly, I’ve found myself thinking those same thoughts, fueled by jealousy and insecurity of my own character. Thank God that He changes our hearts and purifies our sinful motives, because Lord knows I need it.
When reflecting on kindness this past week, my mind goes towards the ultimate act of kindness- Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sins, just because God loved us so so so much. God is so kind, and sometimes I forget that because I’m so focused on how I can be seen, heard, loved, admired, etc. etc. in this world. God is so so so kind, He gave us hearts that when turned toward Him, allow us to want to show that kindness to others. That is so unfathomly beautiful!

“For you were called to freedom, brothers (& SISTERS). Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love, serve one another.

Galations 5:13

Sooooo what are some tangible ways that we can live out our calling to freedom and love by serving each other??? Wellllll, let’s break this down!

  • Leave a friend a sweet/encouraging/funny sticky note! (MY FAV)
  • Offer someone a ride!
  • Bring someone coffee, donuts, candy, etc. etc. etc. (sweets and coffee are my love language….)
  • Giving someone your full attention when they are speaking
  • Smile at people you pass by!
  • Let your passenger play the music in the car while you’re driving
  • Walk with someone to class, even if it’s out of your way
  • Speak LIFE over people! Encourage encourage encourage. Let your words build up the people around you; cheer your friends (and not-so-friends) on with a pure heart, no matter what your insecurities are making you feel

Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Proverbs 16:24
  • Start a nice conversation while you and another person are awkwardly riding the elevator together
  • Call a friend you normally don’t talk to just to ask about their day
  • Remember the things that people choose to share with you, & then follow up later on!!!! This shows that you care 🙂
  • Offer someone your seat, your jacket, your pen, etc. (my friend Madison is amazing at this, she levels up the friendship game!)
  • PRAY for + over the people in your life. There is nothing more powerful, kind, or selfless than prayer. When we seek, ask, and knock, the Lord hears us and answers us!!! I am trying to start praying over my loved ones more.

There are so many more ways to show a little bit of extra kindness each day! When we start to focus on the good we can do, the bad starts to fade to the background. Let’s all try to be a good friend today!!!



tiny room, BIG FUN!

HI FRIENDS! On this happy Wednesday (well, sort of happy.. I’m feeling a lil crummy and my DayQuil makes me dizzy.. but we are counting our blessings today regardless), I decided to whip up a short & casual post about one of my favoriteeee places- MY DORM ROOM!

Ever since I can remember, I have been decorating, re-decorating, and re-re-decoratng my bedroom; it’s one of my all time favorite things! I love changing things out with the seasons, following new trends, and creating a space that makes me happy, relaxed, and inspired.

Coming into college freshie life, I was honestly really sad about leaving my beloved bedroom at home… I had cultivated it perfectly to the point that it truly felt like me, and it made me super happy!! But, with the help of my amazing mom who has the best taste in the world, and my sweet, down-for-anything roomie, I am just as in love with my dorm room at OU, and am excited for all the memories that will be created in this tinnyyy space!

Here are some of my favorite lil spots in our dorm; I hope they bring you as much joy as they do me, or even inspire you to create your own happy space!

THE ACTUAL COMFIEST BED. Also an actual pain to make each morning!!!! #realitysux
MY DESK!! Not much actual studying gets done here… def acts more as a vanity.. but still a happy space! feat. MY PLANNER AH ILY
lil affirmations + inspirations on the fridge! This is for real super helpful for memorizing a bible verse or just reminding yourself to focus back on TRUTH!
We have this huge cubby shelf where we keep all the cleaning, eating, fixing, etc. things! I LOVE these cute blue floral bins from Target. AND most importantly… we have my Keurig & TREAT JAR LOL!!! Currently holding mini honey biscuits and caramel candies…

I hope y’all enjoyed this little peak into our room! As followers of Christ, I believe it’s important to not only open your heart to others, but also to open your door; let the people that God has placed in your life into your life.. & your space!! He commands us to love our neighbors for a reason!!! And nothing is more an inviting than a smile and a pretty room that fosters true connection and community.

Who is someone that you can invite into your space this week?!

How can you beautify and steward well the environment God has trusted you with?



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