Sweet Song- Blur

A song from the second to last Blur album Think Tank, Sweet Song is an underrated Blur track that taps into the more sentimental, relaxed Blur sound. Similar to songs like Coffee and TV and Mellow Song, Sweet Song enjoys the same sound but with an older, more developed Blur.

The Funny Bird- Mercury Rev

Mercury Rev is a new band to me, so I have only listened to their 1998 album Deserter’s Songs. But I am loving Deserter’s Songs for this winter. The album sounds like a 90s/2000s take on 70s glam rock, very T. Rex-y. The Funny Bird is probably my favorite song on the album due to its complexity and instrumentation.

Tranquilize- The Killers and Lou Reed

Tranquilize is easily my favorite song I’ve found in the past three weeks. Although I am a fan of The Killers and Lou Reed, I never knew they had a song together. This song is a real treat, especially to those who love Lou Reed. His voice is so emotional and tender, which mixes amazingly with Brandon Flower’s strong voice. The song itself is really unique and I can not really even try to explain it except by saying it is quite multi-dimensional. If you listen to any songs on here, you must listen to this one.

Put Me Back Together- The Bear Quartet

This song comes from a Swedish rock group with only 3000 monthly listeners on Spotify, something that greatly contradicts the quality of the song. Put Me Back Together is one of those songs you listen to once and forget how good it is, but when it comes on again in a playlist or something, it reminds you of how amazing it is. It’s a good easy listening song.