By Taylor Kerzman
What is a keyword? A keyword is a word with and important meaning in what you are reading. It is important to be able to pick out keywords in what it is you are reading.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have read quite a number of essential documents that I have been using to understand and determine the American Dream. Everyone has their own idea of what the American Dream is, often depending on where you come from and how you grew up; in the documents that I have read, I have picked out a number of keywords that stuck out to me. Words that, among all the others, were more important in defining the American dream. I want to list these words and define them. I also plan to post more words. the more documents that I read.
Equal- People having the same status, opportunities, and rights. People are seen as the same, with no one being seen as better than the other.
Truths- Being seen as fact.
Life-Animals and planets are made from inorganic matter that is in a state of being alive.
Despotism- the use of power that is being used in a cruel and disgusting way.
Consent- an individual’s permission to have something being done or something happening.
Justice-Indivuduals being treated in a just and fair manner.
Stereotypes- An ideal held by many individuals of an idea of a particular person or group of people.
Wiseguys -A person who speaks and thinks as if they know better than others.
These are the Keywords that have stuck out to me in this week’s reading. It is important to keep track of and understand the words that you identify as keywords. These words hold a lot of meaning to what you are reading and can help you understand what it is you are reading better.