Chapter 2 Review Question 7

“What is the relationship between online communities and political polarization?”

The direct correlation between online communities and political polarization is the community’s ability to harness technology and propagate the political message to a mass online audience. For obvious reasons, the internet makes communication easier between members or followers. Unfortunately, it also allows the keyboard warriors to mobilize while stirring the pot. The message, whatever it may be, is on twenty-four hours a day, and it will enable interaction between users. We saw it with the 2020 election cycle. Groups like the Proud Boys & ANTIFA were names we heard ad nauseam during that time. From my understanding, both organizations are the extremes of both ends of the ideological spectrum. Social platforms and online communities allowing free speech in 2024 will be just as unsettling.
Unfortunately, those mentioned above aren’t the only groups guilty of using these internet communities to create propaganda and attempt to influence social media. There are bad actors worldwide. For example, countries like Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China are interested in our elections and which side may win. We saw that when Obama accused the Russians of guilty behavior.
There are people paid overseas to sit in rooms, develop social profiles, and spread fake propaganda that polarizes our politics. In addition, these people create materials to extend America’s adversaries’ messages.