Today at OU was fantastic. The college recognizes its native student body. In most of the buildings, there is native art displayed regularly. The course catalog is filled with native languages. The amount of goodwill that goes into welcoming native students is apparent at OU. Today the native clubs had an opportunity to come together in the South oval for a small gathering. Beginning Kiowa class today was held near the William Bennett Bizzell statue. I listened to them sing, and they burned some sage and were fanned off. It felt good to pray for a bit. I had hoped they put up the Teepee, but the rain had other plans today. To see a Teepee up at a place like the University of Oklahoma shows respect from the University. Inside a Teepee are where prayers happen. Seeing them put up in places you wouldn’t typically is heartwarming.

I hope all had a good day remembering those ancestors that gave it their all for us; they had prayed for this current generation long ago. We must keep the traditions and ways close but teach those willing to learn.