So, the first two academic papers I’ve written in nearly twenty years have been turned in for assessment. The pause in these blogs allowed me to wrap things up there for a few days, but guess what? Here I am. Incredible to think that after all that time, adhering to the APA format and all the mess I juggled, they were turned in on time. I know these are two small battles on the enormous battlefield, but it’s my war, and its tactics are all my own. I am proud of myself. It wasn’t easy. It was challenging, but a lady at the Writing Center told me, “You can do the hard stuff.” It was good for me to hear that because, damn it. Yes, I can! It’s time management, and I’m trying my best to make it happen. I laugh when people say, “you gotta take some ‘me’ time.” I understand it’s necessary, and Lord knows I need to take some, but when? When?

The two papers were for Introduction to Media and Humanities of the Modern World. The paper for introduction in Media focused on The Joe Rogan Experience #1361 with David Fravor and Jeremy Corbell and the five steps of Media Literacy. Commander David Fravor (retired) reports on chasing a UFO in a Navy Super Hornet in 2004 with extraordinary details. The US Navy corroborates his story; you would think this would be enough for the pundits to take notice and at least ask more questions about the phenomenon. I probably write about the paranormal a lot, but the topics within the more fantastic genre are fascinating. Joe Rogan once asked in his podcast, I think it may have been contained within the podcast above, but he said the two things that mystify humans: What happens when we die? & Are we alone? They are two questions that no human can answer, at least yet.

The paper for Humanities focused on H.G. Wells and The War of the Worlds and the influences of Wells’s early scientific teachings on T.H. Huxley and Darwin. Here is a fact I left out of the paper that I didn’t know about the author, H.G. Wells married his cousin. Yep.