Free Speech, is it free? When referring to our general freedom as country citizens, we are often asked that. Free speech, is it free speech? I think we get tangled up in the four-lettered word that begins with an ‘F.’ Free. Is that the kind of free, like the free piece of cake I get with the meal I sometimes order at Pruitt’s? Note: Be careful of the 7-Up cake. Yikes. I don’t think it’s an added-value term in this case. To have a conversation requires two communicators passing along ideas and exchanging thoughts. It is the conduit between the messenger and the receiver. If that is limited, you get what we see in Totalitarian and Communists states. The limitations are set forth by the all-watching government eye of the state. Without diving deep into any ideas being pushed or what’s on the national agenda during this week of free speech, I felt like writing about what I think the terminology ‘free’ speech means.