It’s always been something I have realized that free speech is free until it infringes upon someone else’s freedoms. That’s when you know it’s time to make adjustments or stop what I’m doing altogether. I don’t want to write as if I am a small child pushing the patience of the adults in the room but instead just noticing the behavior that comes along with the week’s topic. Free speech isn’t all that it sounds like it is. Specific aspects need to be recognized before their limits can be tested. It’s similar to being media literate, reading between the lines, and realizing specifics before action is taken. On the radio, I can’t name an instance in that I may have pushed the boundaries of free speech. I likely was talking about a native topic on The Sports Animal with Jim and Al. Maybe? I can’t remember. There was a time when the guys had Governor Stitt on the show. It was right after he contracted COVID, and the state had just purchased an enormous amount of Hydroxychloroquine. Of course, now we know that the therapy doesn’t work, and early in the pandemic, it was shrouded in controversy over efficacy. During the interview, I wanted to ask him whether he took any of the controversial medicine and what was happening with the COVID number reporting. I almost let the question rip, but I chose not to because it wasn’t my interview, and I didn’t want to cause a rift for Jim. He and Stitt are big buddies. That’s free speech. If asked, he would have either stopped the interview or answered with no impunity. I don’t know, but I feel he might appear again before the election. A bit rambling here; I would love to get Joy Hofmeister on the show sometime.

I wouldn’t consider any part of any broadcasts (live or recorded-where I’ve appeared) that could be equated to boundary-pushing. I feel, “why rock the boat”? There is no reason to challenge the obvious. You will end up outside, pushing the boundaries that have already been tested. We operate under a different set of guidelines than our predecessors. They will fire your ass if anything, but following the company handbook is followed. Or maybe it’s, “I need the job, so shut up and read this.”

All I have remarked on this week seems obvious; however, the word is now written for others to peer into my world and realize how I perceive it.