To those that read, I apologize for the delay in getting with you. It has been a few days since I updated here. With no specific topic for me to post about, I’ll update you on where life stands. I blogged in an earlier post that I wouldn’t write in the style of “dear diary,” but what are you gonna do? I obviously have no life outside of the confines of school and work therefore must keep this updated with something. A quick catch-up.

My son is talking more. He told me he loved me the other morning. I was absolutely floored. I know he is growing and learning every day, but to convey emotion and then tell me while hugging my arm, man. I had a moment. My little sweet pea is growing, too; look at her. My vampire! Funny, she has my teeth and said she didn’t need the plastic teeth. We trick or treated till we dropped. These two had to of pulled in a pound or two of candy. I’m proud of these two; I hope they enjoy life and achieve all their dreams. I love them.
Fall semester 2022 is nearly in the books. Midterms have come and gone. Things are looking good. I should finish this semester with good grades while learning more of my Kiowa language. I am studying to pass the LST (Language Skills Test) at Gaylord College. I attempted and missed passing it by four points. Bummer. I’ll make the second attempt tomorrow or Wednesday. With election day tomorrow, I hope it all turns out OK without incident.