Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I will start by announcing a small personal victory that was short-lived in celebration due to protocol and Murphy’s Law. As I wrote in the last blog, I was attempting the LST and AIT to enroll in journalism classes at Gaylord College. Well, I passed and was proud because I had to review direct and indirect objects. Unfortunately, simple subjects aren’t as simple as they sound. The victory was snatched from the jaws of defeat, however, as in my delay in passing the test, classes have filled up, and the specific time I need for JMC 2033 is at capacity. This is where my luck, or as some call it, Murphy’s Law, comes into play. I have realized I needed to get it passed and enroll for the Spring semester as soon as possible, but I am not about to be relegated to attending a remedial class for English. A co-worker asked me if I had passed the test yet; most often, my answers were “no, not yet.” However, I followed up the last time he asked with, “this is my future here; you only get two times to take this thing; it’s hardly the DEI training we recently took for Cumulus.” I’ll keep the blog posted as to the progress of enrollment for the Spring. I have emailed two professors with times that will work. Fingers crossed they allow me into their classes for Spring. Seems trivial, but I am accountable to a timeline to graduate and have no time to spare.
It was tough to believe this time two years ago; we were at the start of the Pandemic, my son was soon to be born, and socially, we were all changing. A lot has changed in these two years. My son is celebrating his 2nd birthday in a couple of days, and my family dynamic has morphed significantly since 2019. We are now a family of four, and I am not working in the same capacity I had pre-Pandemic. I am a full-time student and employee to graduate and improve my working situation. While radio has consumed most of my professional career, it is not the end of the line for me. There is something out there that I have yet to realize.
As I sit today and take stock of what I am thankful for, my family is the first thing that comes to mind. My children and wife (even though she doesn’t always seem to think I may be the one). I am thankful for the sacrifices many have made for me and my small imprint on the Earth. Thankful for being able to provide for my family and grateful for humanity.

Cheers, humans. Onward to Christmas.