I sit here thinking about the coming Christmas holiday with dread. As a father, I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of keeping it all together during this season of giving. I am talking momentarily, of course. I saw a post on social media that said, “finish your Christmas shopping..”. I thought to myself, “who has it all done, that they could finish their shopping this weekend with this particular event”? Are we expected to have it all done by now? I haven’t even given one thought to Christmas this year yet. I was even reluctant to include the ‘yet.’ In life, there is opportunity cost. I am waging my opportunity cost against attaining a Bachelor’s degree from Gaylord College to increase my earning power. I cannot even think about Christmas gifts until after finals week. Even then, where is the money going to come from?
I mentioned opportunity cost earlier. Mine include being unable to work a legitimate full-time job or have expendable income for Christmas. Let’s face it, this holiday’s meaning is lost in online shopping, Black Friday bullsh*t. I remember as a kid, there was this scent of evergreen that was present throughout my childhood. Up until a few years ago, I had not even recognized the smell, but I have recently been on the search for it. I know it sounds ridiculous and such a waste of time, but that scent, for me, signaled Christmas. I seemed so pervasive when I was young. This change, I get older, and the scents dwindle. This post swerved into traffic a paragraph ago, have a good day.