Social Media in the Modern Rush Process

Through the powers of social media Greek organizations at the University of Oklahoma are able to evaluate and screen potential new members without even meeting.
A key part of the rush process can disappear with the click of a button, a first impression instead formed through posts and tweets and premeditated judgements. A powerful first impression can go a long way for a hopeful student, but so can a controversial post or tweet.
“I looked through my social media and just made sure that it looked the way that I wanted to be portrayed.” Alpha Gamma Delta member Emily Rushing said.
Not only does social media let rush committees pre-approve the incoming class but it provides an opportunity to connect potential new members to members with similar interests during the first round of interviews.
“If they post about playing volleyball, then I would match them up with someone who played volleyball so they can have that connection to make their overall experience here better.” Chi Omega Rush committee member Meredith Kardaras said.
Although this process can be a disadvantage to those without any social media.
“They weren’t able to look me up before talking to me to see my interests and create talking points. I had one girl during rush ask me why I didn’t have social media and I was like, oh, so she did look me up.” Kappa Alpha Theta member Lauren Gastinu said.
Just as Greek organizations preview incoming members’ social media presence, they hope PNMs will do the same.
“We want to make sure our social media looks very presentable, especially our actual sorority account. We want to make sure we are not perceived as boy crazy, drinking, like we have our three B’s that we stay away from Boys, Booze, and Bible” Kappa Alpha Theta Treasurer Olivia Thomas said.

As the University sets up to become a member of the S.E.C. in the year 2024 the expectations are high for Oklahoma’s Greek life scene, to compete with schools such as Alabama.
“Marketing your rush and having a big online presence is going to be the future of rush once we become an S.E.C. school. You’re going to see a lot more communications from bigger houses in the near future.” Alpha Sig Rush Chair Archer Roberts said. Information about Greek life on campus is available at the universities Fraternity and Sorority Programs and Services Panhellenic Recruitment page.