Gabrielle Alves holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Brasília, where she was part of the Resocie/IPOL and UnB 2030/IREL research groups. She received honorable mentions in two studies carried out during the course, one focused on political psychology among the young electors of Bolsonaro in 2018 and the other, funded by Cnpq, focused on the United Nations Global Goals affected by corruption. She also did an exchange program at the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III University and participated in the Youth Assembly at the United Nations in New York.

Based in Brasília, Gabrielle is currently a law student at the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (Idp). Member of the extension project in the area of human rights and justice and the Human Rights Clinic. In 2021, she received an honorable mention for a study on planetary climate and environmental justice. She also owns a research scholarship, where she’s developing studies about Just Transition and Environmental Justice.

At Plataforma CIPÓ, she is a Junior Researcher, participating in advocacy initiatives in the area of racial, socio-environmental and climate justice. Author of strategic reports and opinion articles, she believes that social transformation comes from the combination of research and political action, thus being also a political activist.