I was assigned to create a movie poster following the idea that whatever the title was would be the theme of the movie almost Pixar-like. My word chosen was Earth this was chosen to a number of numerous factors. The first reason was I sat and thought about what animated creature came into my head and the first thing that came to me was an almost turtle like a large cartoony turtle with this green skin and a brown shell. This would provide me with my base colour scheme. It was these very earthy colours and the more I thought about it the more I liked the word Earth and incorporating both brown as dirt and green as moss or grass growing onto the words. I went through a few different trial and errors about the amount and where to add the green moss. Eventually, I settled on the idea that nature is random yet follows the sun and patterns so I felt it was important to add moss to the top of every word or where sunlight would be hitting in the real world. Then I felt this looked too clean, unlike nature which is messy. So I went through and added small little dots and sections of green randomly to really add to the wild feeling of the earth. Once I was happy with the title I looked around for an open nature landscape to add as the background that both allowed the title to live uninterrupted from the green of the earth yet still showed to beauty and green of the earth. After searching for a while and finding something that fit these requirements I added it to the background under a low green gradient and ended with my final product.