An UnBearably long trip across America

I know that everybody somewhere has always thought to themselves what would my life be like as an animal well I hate to tell you but I think you may be a furry. But if you ever wanted to be a bear and travel across the United States of America then you are in luck as with scratch me and a partner have made a game that does just that. Using a very simple line of block statements like If, Than’s we are able to essentially make the basis of a game, and that’s what happened. After a bit of brainstorming and some inspiration from the latest 2023 bear movie, we were full steam ahead to make the next best seller. Well, that obviously didn’t happen we sure did have a lot of fun making a bear with an addiction and a fear of cars, bats, and pterodactyls. Thankfully my prior knowledge of making games from scratch in middle school came in handy and I was able to reach into the deep depths of my memory and quickly make a unique and fun game. I challenge you to play the game above and try to make it to the end of America, Good Luck!