Modernizing Hideaway

The new and emerging trend of recent times has been the increase in delivery apps like door dash and uber eats. They bring a huge amount of revenue streams to restaurants yet they take a fee for doing so. How do you get around that with making your own app to order on and see nearby locations that’s what I looked to do with Hideaway. The app features a home screen with the restaurant motto and the app directory. Here you can jump into the menu with the simple click of a button. Scrolling down the list will show three distinct categories of food you can order mains, others, and sweets. Each of these are designed very different to make the difference a little more obvious and less likely to seem repetitive when scrolling down the list. Lastly, you can make your way to the location page and see the two hideaway locations in Moore and Norman respectively. Apps are about finding the perfect balance between design and function on a very small scale thus making it a fun but hard challenge.