A semester full of creativity and learning. Looking back on what I accomplished, where I learned, and where I can improve. To start I want to highlight my favorite project of the semester the 3d can design. This was a really fun migration of Illustrator and 3d designing something that isn’t taught much at all in Gaylord. So finally being able to put my 3d skills to the test was exciting and rewarding also giving me a reason to improve my 3d skills rather than of my own free will. The biggest improvements I saw in myself were in photoshop and Figma. To start Photoshop has always been one of the really intimidating tools that can do just about everything if you know how to do it. With a lot of the project involving some element of Photoshop, it really allowed me to buckle down and learn some new techniques and skills within the program. Letting me do stuff I could have never done before. Figma was an exciting new skill that I got the chance to learn something I didn’t even know existed till the project. It’s a really unique and intuitive program that has a lot of space for you to really express your creativity and technical skills. As for what I look to improve in the future its really just about practicing. The more I do projects like these and the more I use my digital design skills the more I will grow and improve as a designer and now that I am graduating It is up to me to continue the improvement and growth.