The Mentor of the Savior
In the post-apocalyptic wasteland, one man is considered the savior of this era and that man is Kenshiro. However, Kenshiro has to overcome many obstacles while setting off on his journey some of these obstacles are fighting his older brother Roah and Jagi but another obstacle is finding his other older brother Toki. Unlike Roah and Jagi, Toki has always exceeded and pushed Kenshiro to be the best and at one point sacrificed something of great importance to save Kenshiro’s life. Kenshiro has always looked up to Toki and one could say that Toki was a mentor for Kenshiro while growing up. Kenshiro is the youngest of the siblings but being the strongest is what would drive Jagi mad and the conflicting goals of Kenshiro and Roah are what would lead them to fight. these factors are a part of what makes Toki so different from the other siblings of Kenshiro.
The Search for the Mentor
While setting off on his own journey Kenshiro decides that he must find his older brother Toki. The first place Kenshiro would look is where Toki would usually be found in a tower that Toki uses for helping the sick in the area. When entering the tower Kenshiro couldn’t help but feel that something seemed strange and uncanny but kept on going deeper into the tower as feelings of uncertainty could not stop Kenshiro. Eventually, Kenshiro finds Toki deep within the tower, and although the two brothers have been reunited Kenshiro stills feels that something is strange and so he proceeds to be cautious while talking to Toki.
The Genius in his Lab
It is evident to Kenshiro and the reader that something about Toki is not right. There is an uncanny feeling to how Toki is talking and behaving that it can not be helped to question what is going on. Toki kept rambling about experiments that would further the understanding of how pressure points can affect the human body and how he was a “genius” which was out of character for the mild-mannered Toki that Kenshiro knows of. As predicted something was wrong and “Toki” finally attacks Kenshiro and uses pressure points on the body to paralyze Kenshiro. The uncanny feeling that Kenshiro felt from “Toki” was based on good faith as the “Toki” standing in front of Kenshiro was instead a doppelganger.
The Genius Reveals Himself
The doppleganger of Toki continues to proclaim how much of a genius they are while describing the cruel, inhuman experiments they conducted on people. The purpose of these experiments was to unlock secret potentials that none had known about pressure points on the body and the methods this doppelganger used could be described as nothing but insane. The maniacal doppelganger also goes into why they began impersonating the real Toki. Toki was a natural healer that used pressure points to relieve those with ailments or injuries and what drove this doppelganger mad was jealousy. The doppelganger was not jealous of how easy it was for Toki to help and heal people but jealous of all the praise that Toki would receive after helping someone. This self-proclaimed genius could not understand why they were not getting the same praise for studying the use of pressure points. This jealousy would fester within the doppelganger and lead to a hatred for the person that they would soon begin to impersonate.
A Genius Can Never Replace A Mentor
While rambling and conducting more pressure point experiments on the paralyzed Kenshiro the doppelganger eventually reveals their identity. The doppelganger loudly proclaims that they are the genius Amiba and that they will forever live under the name of Toki. With the help of a friend, Kenshiro eventually breaks free from the pressure point paralysis and reminds the “genius” Amiba of where they stand in relation to the two brothers. The unnerving imposter has finally been defeated and so Kenshiro continues looking for their mentor and older brother Toki.