This gallery features reproductions of 61 extant posters drawn from the collections of the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, and the Musée du quai Branly in Paris.
The posters were printed in Santa Fe, New Mexico and painted by Native American students enrolled in the Studio School, a fine arts program at the Santa Fe Indian School, in 1935. Two hundred such posters were sent to Paris to advertise an exhibition of 100 student paintings organized by the French artist Paul Coze, Art Peau-rouge d’aujourd’hui (Art of the Redskin Today) at the Musée d’Ethnographie du Trocadéro from May 17 to June 23, 1935.
Five extant posters were signed by the artists; the creators of eight additional posters are identified with reasonable certainty based upon the style and subject matter of the paintings.
A1 Allan Houser (Chiricahua Apache, 1914–1994), poster announcing Art Peaux-Rouge d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. Tempera on paper, 20 in. x 13 in. Location unknown. Courtesy of the Musée du quai…
A2 Allan Houser (Chiricahua Apache, 1914–1994), poster announcing Art Peau-Rouge d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. Tempera on paper, 20 in. x 13 in., Inst-179. Gift of the Toyota Motor Corporation, 1992,…
A3 Artist Unknown, poster announcing Art Peau-Rouge d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. Tempera on paper, 20 in. x 13 in., Inst-180. Gift of the Toyota Motor Corporation, 1992, courtesy of the…
A4 Artist Unknown, poster announcing Art Peau-Rouge d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. Tempera on paper, 20 in. x 13 in., Inst-181. Gift of the Toyota Motor Corporation, 1992, courtesy of the…
A5 Artist Unknown, poster announcing Art Peau-Rouge d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. Tempera on paper, 20 in. x 13 in., Inst-182. Gift of the Toyota Motor Corporation, 1992, courtesy of the…
A6 Artist Unknown, poster announcing Art Peau-Rouge d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. Tempera on paper, 20 in. x 13 in., Inst-183. Gift of the Toyota Motor Corporation, 1992, courtesy of the…