For this blog post I will be discussing why I have chosen Advertising as my Major to study here at OU. What made me want to pursue Advertising was the idea that I could make an impact on someone. That I could influence or persuade someone into believing in something. That something for me is the Oklahoma City Thunder. I want to be the head of Advertisement for the team. I think this is important because it is the way the team presents itself and shows the rest of the world who they are, and what they are all about.

For its entire existence OKC has been considered a small market team. OKC is currently ranked the third smallest market out of all thirty teams in the NBA. That means the NBA recognizes that less people in Oklahoma care about what’s going on with the Thunder than a team like the Miami Heat who are considered a big market team. There are of course other factors that go into determining a team’s market size like population and the size of the city where the team is located. I want to reinvent the way advertisement is done currently in the NBA. Currently I feel like the Thunder aren’t tapping into the potential they have in front of them. OKC has so many young stars on the team that will have a tremendous impact for years to come. Recently the starters were invited to be on the cover of popular sports magazine Slam.
Each player brings their own style on and off the court, capturing that and being able to show others is something I believe is an important aspect to the story I want to tell. I believe that with the right amount of interest from advertisement I could change the basketball scene here in Oklahoma.