For this second blog post I will be discussing what makes a quality film in my opinion. To start you need to know what kind of movies I think are quality. I enjoy movies such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Marvel movies. These are all movies that I had the pleasure of watching growing up and when new ones came out, I got to go see them with my family in theaters. A big reason why I believe these are quality movies is because of the memoires I have connected to them. The nostalgic feeling I get when I watch them again has me coming back every year. I will never forget seeing the 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens, with my entire family on Christmas Eve.
But that’s only part of the reason I think these movies are quality films. An aspect often overlooked in movies such as these, is that these movies create their own worlds where stories are always being told. An example of this in the Marvel Universe is the character Loki first introduced in 2011 in the movie Thor as a side character to the story. Now in 2023 now twelve years later on Disney’s streaming service, Loki has his own TV show airing its second season and is a fan favorite. It’s amazing to me how these universes have the potential to never end because of how the stories are told. It would really blow my mind if one day I took my very own kid to the movies to see whatever new story is being told in the Harry Potter world.