I believe that access to medical information should be free and easy to access to everyone in the world. That’s why the understanding of the ethnic and religious and social factors that influence vaccine views is important to begin. In some communities, many people believe misinformation that vaccines cause infertility and are part of government …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Public Relation Tactics
When reviewing the multiple PR tactics, I feel that paid is definitely the most important for various reasons. Other tactics like earned, shared, and owned are also important but are not as critical so succeed in as paid. When you pay for an advertisement or advertising space you have created a risk for the brand …
In this new age of technology everyone is connected at the press of a button, whether you are in the United States or across the globe in China. Worldwide anyone connected to the internet can see and learn about various situations going on in the world. I think this comes with its own advantages and …
E. Bruce Harrison
The Godfather Career Capsule: E. Bruce Harrison – Culpwrit E. Bruce Harrison grew up in Alabama in the 1930s. As he got older, he began to grow interested in working at the local newspaper. In high school Harrison reported on the school’s sports teams. He continued this into college at the University of Alabama where …
Daily Me
I believe that the author of the Daily Me got most of it correct with a few things that could be altered. Enculturation I would say is definitely prevalent in today’s society. But it varies from person to person. I agree with the examples of asynchronous and synchronous communication styles. The idea of Narrowcasting I …
OKC Thunder
For this blog post I will be discussing why I have chosen Advertising as my Major to study here at OU. What made me want to pursue Advertising was the idea that I could make an impact on someone. That I could influence or persuade someone into believing in something. That something for me is …
Top Ten: Treats for Halloween
10. The Reese’s is a candy for both chocolate and peanut butter lovers to meet together to form a formidable option for the Halloween top ten treats. https://www.ohnuts.com/noapp/showImage.cfm/zoom/_MG_13521.jpg 9. The King Size Crunch bar late on Halloween night can never go wrong. With the crisped rice inside of the bar it offers a texture unlike …
Middle East
For this blog post I will be talking about the current conflict going on in the Middle East more specifically the Gaza strip. Located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea Gaza it has roughly three million people living inside the city. Due to its large population the destiny of Gaza is very extreme. https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.43c7ec461fab328764c5dfeb0d0a5fee?rik=JOeAWbL%2b14SstQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fjto.s3.amazonaws.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2014%2f08%2ff-gaza-a-20140808.jpg&ehk=V4F%2fjC95A0rG3Y1UkC6UqM9bEjqfHK0lz8ZaBVnwsLg%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 …
Quality Films
For this second blog post I will be discussing what makes a quality film in my opinion. To start you need to know what kind of movies I think are quality. I enjoy movies such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Marvel movies. These are all movies that I had the pleasure of watching …
Will Ferrell
For this first blog post, I will share how Will Ferrell inspires me. Will Ferrell the comedian, actor, student, father and so much more has inspired me in many ways. As a kid, I always wanted to make people laugh. Some of my first memories of Will Ferrell are sitting at my grandma’s house with …