The Public Relations (PR) journey is new. When a student enters a space where everyone is far more familiar with PR, the question is often asked, “What area of PR would you like to go into?” My gut reaction is that I’m mourning the loss of objective journalism. In a previous post, I mentioned not enjoying writing for broadcast, so I switched my major to PR. That’s a tiny fraction of why I pivoted from journalism to PR. Journalism is rapidly losing its moral values or ethics.
Additionally, there’s a degree of writing in PR, so I’ll be perfectly fine. However, I wanted to be Sydney Shaw from the movie Brown Sugar; she was a journalist. Now, I am in the process of choosing which area of PR I would like to go into. I’m considering Lifestyle because I enjoy everything, beauty and fashion. It would be interesting to learn the psychological aspect of Lifestyle PR, i.e., what makes people interested in particular products or brands or what type would purchase more of these products.
Product placement is another interesting aspect that I want to learn about. Lifestyle is the way to go because I would much rather know how and where to place shoes and clothes in media and advertising than other products or brands I could be learning to brand. Lifestyle has a wide range of sub-PR categories. A few significant subcategories are health, fitness, food, beverage, and home. I find all those intriguing. There was a time when I heavily invested in creating a rigid, logical career that focused on money, longevity, and being perfect. That is no longer the case. I want to do something I enjoy and be in a welcoming place. Finding the correct career and company begins with having confidence in personal beliefs and professional desires. I’m interested in working to learn more about Lifestyle PR so that it might be a good fit.